A workshop on mastering TOEIC.

A workshop on mastering toeic was held in two sessions, April 10 and 24, 2021. This event told more about TOEIC itself and also how to answer TOEIC questions more quickly. this event was led by mam angelinwati and miss varnny. In the first session of this event, we were given a clearer understanding of TOEIC itself. TOEIC is an English language test for international communication. TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication. This test is specially designed to measure the daily English skills of people who work in an international environment. The test is divided into listening and reading tests. The TOEIC consists of two assessment skills assessment tests which are scored equal to a score of 990; The newer TOEIC Speaking & Writing test consists of a test of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, overall coherence, and structure (sentence organization) with a possible total of 400 scores. Toeic is also very useful for us in the w...