Stereotypes and conversational analysis of the types of stereotypes


Today we're going to talk about those stereotypes and give you some practice in them. what is a stereotype? Stereotypes are generalizations of groups of people based on past experiences, which are deeply rooted in people's psyche. In another definition it is said that a stereotype is a fixed idea or image that many people have a certain type of person, thing, or event, but sometimes it is not true in reality. Cultural stereotypes means applying our existing evidence and beliefs about members of that cultural group.

The easiest way to explain what a stereotype is is an assumption about someone based on previous experience or beliefs. If left unchecked, stereotypes can really lead to discriminatory attitudes.

and there are several types of stereotypes themselves such as Nationality stereotypes, gender stereotypes, Racial stereotypes, Political stereotypes

after knowing the meaning of stereotype itself and its types, below is a discussion about stereotypes, we can understand more about stereotypes themselves


What do you think is happening here?

Debbie: You’re more than just brother and sister, aren’t you?

Maria: Yes,  we’re  twins.  I  was  born  first,  my  brother  came  few minutes later. My mom says it’s because I’m a girl, and girls should go first.

Mario: I let her go first. Italian boys are always polite.

Debbie: I have a riddle for you both to solve.

Mario: I love riddles!

Debbie:  A  boy and  his  father were  badly injured  in  an accident.  The child needed an immediate operation.  He was wheeled into the operating room. The surgeon entered and said, “ Sorry, I can't operate this child.  He is my son”.  So,  who  is  the surgeon?

Maria: How can that be? Didn’t you say that the father also badly injured?

Debbie: Yes. Badly injured.

Mario: Maybe the surgeon was his step father.

Debbie: Nice try, but that’s not it.

Mario: Well, I give up.

Debbie: What are you both assuming that is keeping you from solving this riddle?

Discuss it!

1.What are the examples of stereotypes in the dialogue?

from the above conversation is included in gender stereotypes. wherein Italy itself has the relationship of sociology to gender studies is rather complex, related to a series of phenomena and events that characterize the Italian academic context and the development of the feminist movement in Italy and the wide gender gap can still be seen in scientific careers, especially in the "scissor effect" persistent: female undergraduate and postgraduate students outnumber males, and more females than males hold PhDs and postdocs, but female attendance typically declines in transition to academics.

2.What is Mario and Maria assuming related to the story?

Mario and maria was assume that the child may have 2 father but for the possibility, it will be impossible because the riddle doesn’t tell about the boy's mother so maybe Mario and Maria assume that the boy was in an accident with his stepfather and his father is working as a doctor.

3.What is the answer to the riddle?

the riddle is really confusing but if we read in detail the riddle doesn’t tell us about the the accident that happens to the boy with his father there is a big possibility that the boy and his father had a different accident. And the surgeon could be his mother because the boy's mother doesn’t in the accident so probably his mother was working as a doctor.


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